( xii)
Therefore, the fact that a fifth Seminar under the experienced guidance of yourself and Professor Bhayani has been organized and is to take place at the end of this month is a matter of great satisfaction to all those who are interested in the study of Indian languages.
With my best wishes and my blessings for this Seminar I am,
Sincerely yours, F. B. J. Kuiper
Instituto Italiano Per IL Medio Ed Estremo Oriente
00185 Roma, Via Meruana,
248, Palazzo Brancaccio Telef. 735 631 Rome Dt. 29-3-73
Dear Dr. Chandra,
I have returned home only a few days ago, and I have here found your very kind letter of March ist, by which you inform me about the Seminar on Prakrit Studies that bas taken place from March 22 to 26.
It is of course very gratifying to learn that useful action is being taken for the promotion of Prakrit studies, and I therefore, extend you my warmest wishes for the best success and outcome of the learned debates that have taken place.
With the assurance of my continued laterest in the matter, and best regards,
Yours truly, Giuseppe Tucci
Jain Education International
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