On some Similes in the Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa
time of morning pressing, satisfy themselves (by getting it.)"
In the same way the eleven Rudras and the twelve Adityas also satisfy themselves.
Thus this passage can be translated satisfactorily without emending the word anu saṁbādhamānāh as any asambādhamānāḥ.
It should be mentioned here that the English translation of the Adhyāya done by Bodewitz is very illuminating and of considerable help in understanding the subject. He has been quite successful in translating the first part of the difficult text like the JaimiBr. which deals with the complicated subject like that of arranging the Stotras, and the Sāmans and has no commentary on it. With due appreciation for his invaluable contribution to the field of Vedic Sanskrit, an attempt has been made in this paper to put forth some suggestions before the scholars, for their consideration.