Ludo Rocher
23. References to the Balambhatti are according to the Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series
(work 41) edition. 24. This is a reference to a passage in the Mitākṣara (on Yājñavalkya 2. 132cd)
where Vijñāneśvara includes sons of anuloma marriages among the aurasas and, hence, makes them inherit prior to all other kinds of sons : anulomajānām mūrdhāvasiktādīnām aurasesv antarbhāvāt tesām-apy-abhāve ksetrajādinām
dāyaharatvam boddhavyam | 25. Cf. Rāghavānanda (on Manu 9. 166, after quoting Baudhāyana) : atra
savarnāpadam dvijatvādijātiparam. anyathā ksatriyāvaiśyāsūdrāsu jātānām viprāditrayapitrkānāṁ aurasābhāvenāputratvāpattir-iti. tatra param sajātiye
mukhyam-aurasatvam-anyeşāṁ gauņam-iti bhāvaḥ | 26. Note that a number of smrti texts list the son of a sūdrā wife separately, invariably
at or near the end of their lists. 27. Cf. Aparārka (on Yājñavalkya 2. 128) : ata eva putrapratinidhișu ca tam āha