Dilip Shah
will need bridges between the various overseas Jain communities. Fortunately, today's technology can help us bridge that gap. Web based alliances and programs can bring sense of togetherness. We desperately need a global Jain Diaspora movement.
The Jain diaspora can become much stronger and benefit from each other substantially if they remain actively connected in all these ways. In this age of social networking, it is a must. This process can take place formally as well as informally. An entity like JAINA, JITO and IOJ or some such group in India can take a lead in initiating and coordinating with all and organizing world/ regional gatherings periodically. The conference agenda should have solid areas where each other can benefit in all different ways including opportunities for matrimonial and trade. Organizations in India should promote Jain pilgrimages to the overseas jains. The informal ways are what people are already using these days - Facebook, email, twitter, etc. Besides the conferences, publications are another area. A good place to start can be with a directory of organizations initially and followed by individuals later for the entire diaspora. Strong ties to academic communities should also be developed and nurtured because the new generation will be far more likely to get their knowledge of Jainism through academia.
There are many Jain professionals with skills needed to create a virtual platform for all the Jains. This web-based platform can provide many needed services like religious, social and business connections. This platform can provide useful information for travelers, academic and scholarly exchanges and sense of oneness are all within realm of possibilities and absolutely necessary for the preservation of our heritage if only we are willing to work at