Hemant Shah
Education In Jainism
Introduction :
Jainism is one of the oldest living religions of the' world. It is independent and not a branch or off shoot of any religion. It holds a very important position being a perfect system of religion. Its contibution to Indian Philosophy in particular and to the world thought of non violence, Truth and Peaceful Co-existence is significant and of great value. The title of this article immediately strikes at two important words : Education and Jainism. Since we want to examine place and important of Education in Jainism let us, from this point of view, let us take a note of Jainism - its philosophy and fundamental assertions. In view of Jainism, we will discuss Education as an important activity - a process of development, a path to the highest goal of life.
Jainism :
Jainism, apart from being a major philosophical system of Indian philosophy, is a perfect religion, perhaps the oldest living religion. It has notably served to the cause of Indian culture and spirituality as well as towards the positive, progressive and peaceful solution of human suffering and pain. It will be a matter of great pride for a Jain to note what a great western historian and scholar, Dr. Winternitz has noted: "The Jainas have extended their activities beyond the sphere of their religious literature to a far greater extent than the Buddhists have done, and they have memorable achievements in the secular sciences to their credit, in philosophy, grammar, lexicography, poetics