Authors and Subjects Studied in Rājasthān
८५५ number of poems 80A and plays of which the best known are (1) vaanya, (2) arganya, (3) oglasia, (4) iglamia, (5) SATRAER Ta*, (6) asfasia, (7) ft , (8) gatina1972, (9) HE #1#$774, (10) digutune, (11) 941and ( 12 ) faith. Of the last of these, there is & manuscript (V. 1306 ) written in the reign of Mahārājakula Udayasimha of Jalor." Ramchandra's literary achievement was great enough; but even greater was his pride in it. To Udayasimha's reign belongs also the agailienia, & play in six acts by another Ramachandra, a pupil of Jayaprabha sūri." ? Another play, the ITHAT of referaft, a Ms, of which, dated V. 1286 has been found at Jaisalmēr, refers to Udayasimha as a rival of the Baghola Viradhavala of Dholka.93 Classical Works:
Along with the Kavyas written by Jain authors, the Jain community continued studying the works of great poets like Kalidasa, aven though some Jain teachers themselves would have preferred their confining to Jain works alone. 94
Kalidasa was regarded as the poet par excellence. Sumatigaņi mentions his Meghaduta. Asada commented on it. The high regard in which the poet was held is shown by the following verse quoted by Jinapala.05
कवयः कालिदासाद्याः कवयो वयमप्यभी। पर्वते परमाणौ च वस्तुत्वमुभयोरपि । Vinayachandra calls him " Dīpikā-Kalidasa".00
Bharavi the writer of the Kirātārjuniya was well-known. Vinayachandra calls him “Chhatra-Bhāravi" and recounts his name among those who had written Sadgranthas".7 Ai Jaisaimēr there is a palm
in the Introduction. Mr. C. D. Dalal is wrong in regarding this 499% ag Hēmachandra's Guru.
90a, Called waaaxaf in the facarafur. 91, Gagtax stika197, p. 124. 92. Published by the a 1977 97YATSI, 419797, No. 60. 93. Published as G, O. S. No. 10. 9t. See for instance the view of Munibhadra siri in his Süntinātha charita.
95. "Kalidasa etc. are poets; 8o ara we. The property of being material objects belongs to the mountains and molecules alike". (Comment on the 5th verge of the Charchari.)
96. Pattan Catalogue of MSS. ( G.0.8.), p. 49. 97. Ibid.