श्रीमद् विजयराजेन्द्रसरि-स्मारक-ग्रंथ soul, according to the absolute monist school of the Vedanta philosophy. But it is possible in a highly developed sage. It is said that a Naiyāyika, in order to test the profoundness of Sarkara's knowledge, once asked him to explain the difference between the conceptions of liberation of the Nyaya and the Vaiģēsika schools. The questioning Naiyayika was a very concrited person and so addressed Sankara as follows: "-Vada sarvaviççēt no çēt pratijñām tyaja sarvavittvo "
-Samksõpa-Samkara-vijayah. If you are Omniscient, answer the question ; if not, give up your contention about Omniscience.
From the above, it is apparent that according to the thinkers of the Advaita school, Omniscience is not impossible. Sankara has said that to the nature of a liberated soul or Brahman, Omniscience, Omnipotence eto: ('Sarvajnatvam,''Sar vēs varatvança') are not to be attributed. “Na çaitanyavat Svarūpatva-Sambhavah"
-4-4-6 Vodonta-sutra-bhagyo Samkarah, But he admits that supernaturalities like Omniscience eto; are possible in a determined (“Saguna ') soul, in a certain stage of its development.
" Vidyamānamāvēdam Saguņavasthayámaišvaryam bbūma-Vidya-Stutayē Samkīrtato.”
-4-4-11 -Vēdanta-sūtra-bhayya Samkarah, In other words, Sankara's opinion is that by worshipping the Saguņa-brahma,' the worshipper while attaining his likeness etc. (Sayujya'), becomes possessed of such supernaturalities as Omniscience etc. "Saguņa-Vidya-Vipaka-Sthānantvētat” 4-4-16-Sūtra-bhasyē Samkaraḥ
IX The Stage, Penultimate To Liberation And Omniscience :
The Buddhist View. "Sarvajñaḥ Sugato Buddhaḥ dharma-rāja-Stathagatah” The word, 'Sarvajňa ' in the above list of Buddha's names shows that although Omniscience, according to him, is impossible in a mundano