श्री राष्ट्रसंत शिरोमणि अभिनंदन पंथ
good that is conductive for such positive actions.
If we examine all these things a little more closely we would find that the marks on the bodies of our Tirthankars indicate the close relationship between life and nature, because these marks are in the form of birds, animals, trees etc. In Hindu scriptures also the descritpions of twenty four incarnations releal that they are in the form of living beings existing either in the water or on the earth or in the sky. And that is why it is recommended that people should consider cow a sacred animal and perform its 'Pooja' the same idea is present even in the system of cattle breeding. Performing the pooja of 'Banyan Tree' and offering worship of flowers in the spring season in our gesture of respecting nature. Different animals and birds are treated as forms of conveyance for different Gods and Goddesses shows how even the devine elements have close and intimate relations with all the living beings in this world. In other words it can be said that we have always had an inseparable relationship with plants and vegetables, birds and animals and all forms of living beings and creatures. It is believed that when a person is going somewhere or he sees entering a place and if a monk, or a horse or an elephant or cowdung or a bull or a pot coming from the opposite direction it is a good omen for him and his success is assured. Even our monks and sages always preferred places close to nature for their Sadhna and Tap. They always lived either in caves or in mountains or on river banks. They always did so because it was in the lap of nature they must have experienced infinite peace and happiness. Here they must have developed friendly harmony with birds, animals and nature that would have been impossible if they had lived elsewhere, while describing the 'Samosharan' of 'Tirthankaras' the importance of trees is established by making a reference to the 'Ashok-Tree'. The importance of birds and animals is well recognised by the science of Astrology. If we examine the twleve sings of the zodiac we find that they are in the form of different animals and birds. It has been a part of this country's culture even to offer milk of the poisonous snake and never to kill it. Tulsi (Bacilus) plant is worshipped and offering water to it is a symbol indicating the importance of irrigation and watering.
The noise pollution too is by no means less harmful Loud-speakers blaring continuously and the noise generated by radio and T.V. have made man lose his ability to think independently. It was for this reason that the sages have always stressed the importance of silence.
To sum up this discourse we can say that we should be careful about the following Do's and Don'ts -
We should save ourselves from inflict violence. We should protect all the living beings including Panchasti, Kay Jivas. We should eat only vegetarian food. We should follow the life style that is close to nature. We should protect the water. The earth and the sky from all forms of pollution.
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