श्री राष्ट्रसंत शिरोमणि अभिनंदन ग्रंथ
factories are released into rivers, and thereby causing pollution in water of our sacred rivers. As a result of this millions of marine creatures get destroyed. These creatures were actually keeping the water clean and pure. But today our sacred rivers, lakes and ponds are totally polluted. Gas producing chemical plants are like our deadly neighbours in whose company we live contineously. Bhopal gas tragery and the Chernobyl atomic leak are two of the greatest tragic events of our country. The reality is so frighening that polluted air and water are the root causes of many diseases spreading in the present times. The developed countries are clever enough and avoid setting up such industries on other land and dump them on the land of developing countries, thinking that human life in these countries have no great value. And on the contrary they make us feel that they our real supporters and promoters of progress. If such industrial plants and factories multiply at a faster rate that will surely expedite our dooms days. If we contemplate deeply on these facts and examine them from the angle of Jainism we can say that if man follows and observes principles of non-violence and 'Aparigrah' man can save himself from the ratrace of earning and harding wealth. He would then limit his activities only to the extent of accuring the necessities of life and nothing more. He would then not allow culture to be destroyed by indulging in indiscriminate production. The greed for wealth whether it is on the part of an individual or a nation it leads to death and destruction. If the principle of co-existance propounded by Jainism is understood properly we would develop a feeling of harmony with natural and all the living beings. Once this happens we would never do anything that would damage the nature and the environment. To fulfil his selfish and greedy needs man has temperred with the scientific balance of nature that includes physics, Chemistry and Biology. As a result of this punctures are developing in the Ozone layer of the environment and is a signal for the approaching disaster. Actually speaking man has committed rape on the natural form of the world in order to get a few and small material comforts and facilities. It is a very clear opinion of the scientists that if there trends of indiscriminate actions continue it is likely that by the turn of the country millions of species will vanish from the world. Causing irreparable dancer to the environment.
I quote here the words of Albert Switzer today man has lost his forsightedness and is leading the world towards distruction." It would not be an exaggeration to say that in order to achieve the so called progress we are inviting death disaster a destruction.
If we adopt the Jain way of life we can certainly move one step forward in the direction of safety and security. It is possible to avoid desaster and save ourselves from destruction by observing in our daily life routine Jain vratas like - 12 vrates & 12 Tapas.
In Jain ascriptures we find detailed and clear discription of the way of life to be follow by Sadhus (Monks) and ordinary common men and it is clearly prohibited that no vegitables animals, creatures, earth and other Agnikayik (Fire) Jivas should not be killed. The basis of these principles lies in freedom from desire and sympathy for all the living beings clarity of thought and good thoughts arise only by consumive such
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