life becomes the core of his mental affairs. Practically he avoids the pervert and tries to embrace the right. He goes on achieving success more and more, as he knows the real attributes of his soul, full well. On the merit of a discarment he discards and rejects the devious states of his mind, which indulges and yields to the surge of passions.
This way of life becomes a warfare as it were. So a Jain remains very alert and cautious for his protection from sinful and passionate side. He earns more power to keep on progressing towards the meritful spiritual life. While living on such a pious life, he becomes very vigilent in the way of appeasement of the senses. He avoids the corrupt usury that looses the virility of his self. He sees that no merit of the soul is spoiled by the over pleasures or addictions. While giving way to mundane affairs also, he becomes vigilent to maintain the weal and welfare of the self. He scrupulously scrutinizes the fitness of the things accepted.
It resembles a tug of war between the forces of the sense organs and the spirit of Soul or his mundane affairs on one side and religious duties on the other. A real Jain at least stands still and not moved by the worldly forces, when he is unable to proceed on and on, ganing the spiritual heights. He goes on keeping the quiescence of his mind and Faith only on the strength of his discernment. Lacking it, the non-Jains are just blasted away by the gale of pleasures and addictions very easily. So this is the central line for the tug of war, that makes the difference of life-course of a Jain and a non-Jain. Jains mean the follower of the path of the Jainas, the victors.
It is the power of insight and discernment that makes the analysis of life and classifies the modes and elements to suit his own conscious that brings forth weal, tranquility, trance and peace for himself. Slowly he becomes so vigilant in keeping up the spirit of his soul, that the forces and drives of his body, sense organce and mentality, are duly subdued and controlled. Notwithstanding they are used for the purpose of religious progress. The spirit earned by discernment and self vigilance becomes such a vigorous soldier to fight like a commando, silently enlaring the stronghold of the enemy and destroying it completely.
To the effect, the philosophical vision, scope of insight, light and delight of the self, go on increasing. His mind attains contentment, senses are appeased, body seeks its own way of maintenance by itself and even by the environment. In such a suitable condition, he uses his inward virility to purify the virtue of knowledge to the higher degree. He earns bliss and peace in the domain of the purified soul and in the virtual spring of happiness. To become on with knowledge is the real life of the Self. So the invincible Jain lives on, or seeks for this kind of life, where he is engrossed in knowledge and the other attributes of soul.
Generally to live on like this, is not easily possible. But it is made possible on the merit of pure self-realization. To the non-Jains, this is not convincing, because they do not believe in the independant power and virtue of the 'Self'! It is the distinct kind of faith that is based on different elements and concepts of Theism. It is the wrong concept of God that leads the devotees to the multiferious way of worship, practice of religion and diversity of living.
No belief, wrong belief and right belief are the chief elements that govern the life and living principles. So the nature of belief must be correctly scrutinised and reacted by rationality. Discernment is the prime power to get oneself distinguished from the nonself. The Self is the master of all rest. It is the Self who is endowed with happiness, who actually lives on seeking the sense of safeness and avoidance of dangers. Thus self is the central principle of life belief and behaviour. Those who do not believe in Self, do not consider any thing good or bad. They are simply led away by any current of force or drive in the outside world. But those who find out the SELF and believe in virtuous life, try to discriminate virtue form vice. While doing so, some do not seek for the real master of their own virtue or vice, producing happiness and
आचार्यरत्न श्री देशभूषण जी महाराज अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ
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