notions are known as passions. They take the form of ardent affection or love, of intense impulse for sex and lust. Overpowering anger, enragement, crualty etc., set forth. An out-burst of violence against some object or event, inclines towards strong excitement. They make the person rash-tempered and display the vehement action of revange. Persons under such emotional impulse become harmful. But if they are put to cultural and disciplined vent, the expression being mild and tender, they could be turned innocent. this kind of cultural life results in social morality and personal morale. The healthy and wholesome control over these impulses, lays the foundation for spiritual and religious way of life.
(C) Religio-Spiritual Life
Having the personal control and mental discpiline established one is free to advanced towards virtuous and pious living. The rational power to think and the deliberation could be improved so as to master the force and source of passion. The bio-physical needs are cultured, moderated and minimised. The emotions and passions are well governed and brought under good control. All the forces are yoked to cultivate the field of right knowldge, philosophy, faith and spiritual conduct. Further on abstinence and austerity is practised to win over the self. This victory sheds more light and delight. The inward peace springs up. The stains of carnal pleasures are removed and purity of self enjoyed. The pious vision enlightens the living, where pure knowledge is manifested and the soul attributes are revealed.
When the sensuality is replaced by sensefulness, indulgence by indifference, addiction by aversion, illusion by vision, eye-sight by insight, delight by enlight, will by wisdom the course of living ascends more and more spiritual stages. Otherwise it descends. The life of a Jain is always improving and ascending by, the power of knowldge, belief and conduct of the soul itself. The range of his learning, is not confined to the lessons in texts. He knows all the basic substances with their ingredients. He realises his own soul endowed with eternal awareness and knowldge insight and conscience, bliss and vim and all that comes under spiritualle vitals. It is realization of the self that tosses up the Soul to the fourth stage of spiritual life. And lo, the living status changes at this juncture, just like the litmus turns its blue-colour to redness, being treated with acidity. This self-realization and insight make oneself a Jain in real sense. Otherwise nobody is a Jain by mere birth or any other creed.
The new achievement, acquired at this stage, incites discernment. It re-acts upon everything with insight and rationality. It recognises all the aspects of the things outside and of the mental affairs inside. It is confirmed on this merit, that the bio-physical drives are separate and different from the spirituelle vitals of the self. The expression of volition is completely changed. He is empowered with a keen discernment. Even though not disembodied as yet, and still carried with the body, his spirituality remains allof from the domain of bio-physical affairs. He refrains himself doing harm to his own soul. He obstains from sinful activities. Meditates and recollects the attributes of his pure self.
In the field of mundane activities, he grasps everything reacted by his insight and discernment. He recognises them as quite separate from his soul and different in attributes. He seeks the life way that suits his choice. He chooses everything healthy and wholesome, atleast harmless, to experience the holy spirit, of his self. He becomes expert in discriminating the mundane livings from religious life. He keeps up his judging power very sharp, keen and accurate.
On the power of his discernment he gets his life activities newly classified, to suit and promote the degree of self-realization. Because he is more and more inclined ascend higher and higher stages of the spiritual life. The output of the power of discernment is heightened ability to realise, good and bad in reality, and to avoid bad actually to embrace good in the practical life. The only scale of measurment utilised, is the purification of soul. The passions are harmful to the real and eternal spirit of soul. So the promoters of the virtues of soul, are upheld. Taking right decision over the worthful and worthless for the spiritual जैन दर्शन मीमांसा
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