experimenting. No doubt he has written a lot of very valuable prose and also composed many poems in his early age also. In the 8th ( or 9th :) year of his life, he had composed some poems on Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata and he was also writing articles and poems for the periodicals; but these are not available. What is available is the corpus of his writings after his 15th year. Most of his works written during a period of 5 years from 15th to 20th year of his life, were published during his life. But some of his important and valuable works composed by him after his 20th year were published only after his death. His works of this later period have special significance, because at 20th, he had stopped many of his social activities such as using his intuitive, extra-ordinary and super-natural powers like, Avadhāna telling future, clairvoyance or telepathy, with the help of which he could see beyond ordinary vision, read the visitors' mind and do many such things and he concentrated on his Sādhaná as far as it was possible. ... .. . ... :::: :
The works like Bhāvanābaodha, Mokşamālā were written by him at the age of 16. Though he wrote articles and composed poems before his 20th year, on social subjects such as, education of women, Svadesī, “Who is really rich? ' etc., not many of these compositions