Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra Śrîmad was pained to see the miserable condition of such seekers, because he found that they were either bound by sectarianism or involved in observing rituals, not knowing the very purpose of their observances or why they were pursuing acquision of philosophical knowledge and were far away from the genuine preachings of Vitarāga like Mahāvīra.
3. Śrîmad's Works
Śrīmad's writings can be divided into a few groups on the basis of the period of their composition as, his early writings i.e. those till he attained the age of 20, the writings between 21st to 25th year of his life and his later writings between 26th to 34th year, i.e. the last part of his life.
The other way of dividing the writings of Srimad is on the basis of their type as : 1. Popular 2. Philosophical and 3. Epistolary. Here however, without grouping the writings of Śrîmad, 16 we shall discuss them and furnish necessary information about them in brief, because the detailed contents of these will be discussed later separately subjectwise.
Srīmad, upto about 20th year of his age, was in the stage of learning, studying, researching and