Life And Works Of Śrīmad Rajchandra
metaphysics with full awareness at a very early age, which proved that there was rebirth. Without the knowledge, acquired by him in previous births and carried forward in this birth, such understanding of metaphysics and spirituality at a very early age was impossible. Besides the above, he has also given many details of his recollections of his past lives.
In this context it is necessary to understand the Jain concept of Jatismaraṇa or recollection of one's past. births. One can easily recollect at advanced age, what. one was and what one did as a child or a young person. Similarly one can remember one's past lives also. But, when a person dies, his soul while leaving the body, is covered with ignorance and karma-bandhas and his mind is engrossed in and worried about many mundane things of present life while getting separated from the body, and hence the soul does not remember anything about past life or lives. This does not happen in case of a person whose soul before leaving the body has destroyed ignorance about the nature of soul and non-soul and has also destroyed sufficient karma-bandhas. He dies with detachment from body and temporal life and takes a new birth. Such a person can get jātismaraṇa in new birth. According to Jains, there are five types of