telling him that Amichandbhai was dead. But when he saw the body being burnt by relatives and friends of Amichandbhai, Śrīmad's astonishment had no limits. He could not understand why people were so cruel to Amichandbhai. Very intense and deep brooding which this incident caused, awakened in Śrīmad, recollections of his past lives. This is called “Jātismarana' in Jainism. Jāti means birth and smaraṇa is remembrance. This remembrance of his past lives went on increasing and gave impetus to Vairāgya and spiritual learnings. He was also studying sprirtual books of various systems of Indian philosophy which helped him develop broad perspective of philosophy. In his letters addressed to Kysnadāsa etc., Śrîmad has confirmed that there is rebirth by saying, “Rebirth is there and I say this positively as I have experienced it ".4 Elsewhere he -says, “I have experienced the importance of association with pious men (satsariga) in many past lives. I recollect that experience many times and I am inspired by that experience without any break or interruption”.5 This, in fact, is the source of śrīmad's vairāgya-bhāva and disinterestedness (1dāsínatā ) towards the objects of the senses and the mundane life and also of his urge for self-realization. In his poem 'Sukhaki sulieli hai, akeli udāsinatā' he records that he comprehended