soul proceeding from the fourth stage and passing through the fifth and sixth and reaching the seventh one. The second section gives the description of the stages from eighth to the fourteenth that cover the ladder of annihilation (ks apaka-śreņi), omniscience and liberation. Thus the poem records the inner spiritual state and ascendance of Śrīmad and hence it has proved valuable for studying Śrīmad's spiritual life..
In chapter VII Sarayuben deals with the remaining miscellaneous poems of śrīmad such as Mūlamārga Rahasya, Pantha parama pada bodhyo, Yama-Niyama, Bină Nayana, Loka Svarūpa Rahasya, Antima.
The fourth part of Dr. Sarayuben Mehta's work relates to śrīmad's philosophical writings after adolescence and upto the end of his life. In this section, chapter VIII treats the philosophical contents of Śrīmad's huge correspondence. She has analysed about 800 letters written by śrīmad to his close associates, followers etc., and sorted out the following topics for her discussions. They are : Samsāra, Duşamākāla; Sukha-dukha; Manusya- deha; Kaşāya; Jivanā Doșa (i.e. demerits of soul) Parigraha; Pramāda-Apramāda; Vyavahāra Suddhi; Ātmā; Dharma; Kalyāņa; Tyāga; Tapa; Indriya jaya; Vairāgya, Asargatā, Dhyāna, Sal