powers and made ourselves unhappy and miserable by becoming slaves to the senses and the mind.
He categorically declares that it is not necessary to belong to any faith or system or religion because anything which helps us know our self and remain with and realize the self is the best of religions for us and whatever distracts us away from our self is non-religion for us. The moment we forget our self, it is non-religion for us. The moment we forget our self, we go under the control of our mind, desires and passions, which are the sources of misery and unhappiness. ;:;.
Śrimad has not only preached the above philosophy but also practised and lived by it and achieved very great spiritual height; this he did even though he had to live till the end of his life as a householder, as a family man and as a businessman.
I earnestly feel that śrīmad's life, philosophy and spirituality have a great and special message for the aspirants (both householders and monks) of selfrealization and supreme happiness and also for everybody who desires happiness and welfare for himself and for the society. And, this is the reason why I chose this subject for my doctorate. I thought it