Śrimad Rajchandra, one of the greatest yogis and philosophers of last century, has given us a religionless religion. According to him philosophy and metaphysics constitute a huge tree, its root is religion of the self (atma-dharma) and its purpose, aim or object is welfare of the individual and the society, which solely depends on knowing and realizing the self. Different systems of faith and religions are nothing but the branches of the tree. He says that the above mentioned aim and object can be achieved only by the process of knowing the self and its nature, always thinking of the self and its nature and dwelling in contemplation of the self and its nature (ätma-bhāvanā). This is, in short, his message to the world. This process, for him, is religion and the path to achieve self-realization and the cosequent bliss.
His logic behind the above thesis is that every soul is intrinsically Paramātmā and hence has an inherent right to realize and experience that exalted state. However, we have forgotten the self and its potential