The kula-yogins etc. who are even more dull-witted than myself will be somewhat benefited as a result of listening to this work of mine;
for example, this listening might generate in them a feeling of partisan___ship ( for the theses advocated here).
तात्त्विकः पक्षपातश्च भावशून्या च या क्रिया । अनयोरन्तरं ज्ञेयं भानुखद्योतयोरिव ॥२२३॥ tättvikaḥ paksa pātaś ca bhāvašīnyā ca ya kriya /
anayor antaram jneyam bhānukhadyotayor iva //223|| Now between a feeling of partisanship for a true thesis and an action performed without a feeling of enlightenment the difference is the same as that between the sun and a glow-worm.
खद्योतकस्य यत् तेजस्तदल्पं च विनाशि च । विपरीतमिदं भानोरिति भाव्यमिदं बुधैः ॥२२४॥ khadyotakasya yat tejas tad alpam ca vināśi ca / viparilam idam bhanor iti bhavyam idam budhaih/122411
The light of glow-worm is meagre and perishing while that of the sun is of the opposite kind (i.e. is tremendous and lasting)-all this should be pondered over by the wise men.
श्रवणे प्रार्थनीयाः स्युन हि योग्याः कदाचन । यत्नः कल्याणसत्त्वानां महारत्ने स्थितो यतः ॥२२५॥
Śravane prarthaniyāḥ syur na hi yogyaḥ kadacana /
yatnah kalyanasattvanarm maharatne sthito yalah //22511 - To the competent persons I need not address a request that they listen to my work, for the men of virtuous disposition are themselves always on the look out for great jewels (i. e. for good writings).
नैतद्विदस्त्वयोग्येभ्यो ददत्येनं तथापि तु । हरिभद इदं प्राह नैतेभ्यो देय आदरात् ॥२२६॥ naitadvidas tv ayogyebhyo dadaty enam tathāpi tu ! haribhadra idam praha naitebhyo deya adarat ||226।।
And though the persons who know the matter do not offer it (i.e. a work like mine) to the incompetent ones, Haribhadra respectfully i requests the former that they do not offer it to the latter,