presence of an ipscrutable capacity in the agent concerned, is called 'accomplishment', and it is this accomplishment that constitutes the fourth type of yama (riz. 'yama by accomplishment' ). (d) The Three Types of Farourbale External Circumstances :
सद्भिः कल्याणसम्पन्नैर्दर्शनादपि पावनः । तथादर्शनतो योग आद्यावञ्चक उच्यते ॥२१९॥ sadbhiḥ kalyanasampannair darśanād api pāvanaiḥ | tathadarśanato Joga ādyāvañcaka ucyale 1/219||
Coming in contact with the poble souls who have stocked in plenty the fruits of virtuous acts and whose Very sight is purifying, and rightly appreciating what is commendable in them is called the first unfailing circumstance' (viz. 'unfailing contact').
तेषामेव प्रणामादिक्रियानियम इत्यलम् । क्रियाऽवञ्चकयोगः स्यान्महापापक्षयोदयः ॥२२०॥
teşām eva praņāmādikrijāniyama ity alam / kriya’rañcakayogaḥ syān mahāpāpakşayodayaḥ ||22011
A mere regular performance of acts like offering bows etc, in relation to these very noble souls--a performance that eliminates great sinsis called 'anfailing act' (i. e. the second 'unfailing circumstance' ).
फलावञ्चकयोगस्तु सद्भ्य एव नियोगतः । सानुवन्धफलावाप्तिधर्मसिद्धौ सतां मता ॥२२१॥ phalārañcakayogas tu sadbhya eva niyogataḥ / sanubandhabhalayaptir dharmasiddhau salam matal122111
In connection with religious accomplishments, by unfailing fruit' (1. e. the third 'unfailing circumstance') the wise men understand the inevitable receiviog from the noble souls of the fruits serially following one another (the series lasting till moksa is attained ).
(d) The Parting Exhortation :
कुलादियोगिनामस्मान्मत्तोऽपि जडधीमताम् । श्रवणात् पक्षपातादेरुपकारोऽस्ति लेशतः ॥२२२॥
kulādiyoginam asmān matto'pi jadadhimatām / Sravanat paksapālader upakaro'sti lesatah 11222||