The system of thought known as Jainism has to be studied in a calı philosophic atmosphere. We find that the problem of human existence is looked at with the eye of the philospher, and the question of human conduct tackled with definite directness which tells us how a man should live, what is his relation with the lower creatures round him, how he should guide his life, his actions that he may not injure even in thought any, living creature. One might almcst sum up the outlook of Jainism, in one phrase that we find in the Sutra Kritanga III. 20, that man by injuring no living creature reaches Nirvana, which is.. peace. That is the phrase which seems'to carry with it the whole thought nf Jaina Peace- peace between man and man. peace between nun and animal, peace everywhere and in all things. Such is the ideal of a Jain : that is the thought he endeavours to realize upon earth. Such identification is verily the mystic's gift. Robert Browning says in Pauline :
“ I can live all the life of plants.........
I can mount with the bird. I caping airily the pyramid of leaves......