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It is commonsense that every system of thought, or philosophy or religion that embodies some truths about man's life upon earth, his origii and final destiny cannot be called secratarian; it needs must be universal. The universality of Jainism, therefore, 'lies' in the fact that its principles are not applicable to the followers of Jainism only but also to all human - beings. :
In my opinion, it is wrong to call Jainism a religion in the sense that other religions are. If we study closely and examine critically the basic principles of Jainism, we can safely affirm that Jainism is more a' philosophical thought than a dogmatic religion. There is a fine disa tincition between Jainism and Western philosophy. The latter is bårten and leads one nowhere beyond speculative thought and guesses at truth; whereas Jainism has laïd down definite ideas and ideals of human progress and perfec* tion, man's origin and the final goal of blissful", existence that awaits him. The method of approach to truth in Jainism is fairly scientific in the sense that it treats the problems of life and soul with the well-known system of classification, analysis and right and accurate under- -. standing: :