Third Chapter
and cruel character, such as that of a wolf, raven, etc, etc
All the hells in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hells and the upper 2 lacs in the 5th hell are all hot All the rest are cold
SUTRA 4 परस्परोदीरितदु खा ॥४॥
Parasparo dirita duhkhah The tortures (of hellish beings arc) produced (by them for) another
SUTRA 5 सक्लिष्टाऽसुरोदीरितदु खाश्च प्राक् चतुर्थ्या • ॥ ५ ॥ Samklista suro durita duhkhascha Prak chaturthyah
Before the 4th (earth 1 e in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd earths, in the hells) the evil-minded (celestial beings called ) Asura kumaras also give torture (to the hellish beings or incite them to torture one another)
SUTRA 6 तेष्वेकत्रिसप्तदासप्तदशद्वाविंशतित्रयस्त्रिशत्सागरोपमा सत्त्वाना परा
feafa. 11 & 11 Tesveka trigaptadasha sapta dagha dvavinsatı trayastrın.
shat sagaropama gatvanam para sthitih.
In these (seven hells) the maximum age of (hellish) beings (of different earths as follows 1 ARTA Sagropama or em sagara (simply) in the 1st earth or sagars
, 2nd, , , 3rd ,
. 4th 17 ATRICHT Sagropama or sagaras in the 5th earth
, ,, 6th,
7th, 1 ATR Sagara = 10 x (crorexcrore) of steinen addhapalya 1 849, Addhapalya -A circular pit with a diameter of 1 4717
yojana, 1 e, 2000 kosas and of an equal depth of filled with