Tatrarcha xirap
11) - Vatra rirsicra, ramci negatic aspecs, that le the name is attribu*c] 1or the cream of the object a hich docs 70: roscere the qual es connic b ic nome A a man mat be called iing or Sruth can he is nie chce a lang nor smith
121711: Surarara q siera, repicacita:i aspect. Reprecitation of one :1.73 b, anche: c.8. ns2.lat on of Lord Mahavira.na marble o dogond imisa 0-9 Algebra saking X to be equal to so and so Inc- called - i, Tadakcra sthapara or i Saithe::c rbcrarcentat.se and the reprccented are m.lar 17 sure the circ: :=- - - , Aladinara sthapara o
Asco.2, , the:c7c!c 2: 1ebcas no rescmblance to that is repscreated Such :ep-c:chtarom ol the T Ariats (che Adored oncs).: ro: allo-c nths
, Huraa Arasaryin the acon of deceased in c.ch the-c are special features of decrease e birth of a causatcr :02 'si Tortharlara, etc
(3) TR Dra'ya shpa polasc aspect. The absence of an attributc in a cub,cos -hcs it possessed in the past or must possessin tnc furure, the attribu76 of 2 nazc thc qualities of which one does not possc eros, ainough one possessed them in the past or is sure to possess ttcm in irc future, CE, a Dowager queen may still be callcd quccn, and a cc.Eroned charcb may be called a king after deposition also; and a President-elect mat well be called the President
Tale the Frc csecr of Surgery -
(1) He is dining Helszors Surgery but 15 no: atteaine to it not To call bim Professor of Surgers is not fire, Agama Dravya Nirksepa
(2) But it cth nl of hsbccs cnls, then we base = 177 No Agarra drar, a Xiarsepi 2,8, (1) 977 74, Jrajaza Sarira
(1) He is asleep To call his bods, the Professor of Surgery is string Vartmana
(u) He has ceased to be Proicsscr cf Surgers and has become a baler To call his bccs, the Frctessor cf Surgery, tell his death, is GEFT, Anagata
(11) He dies and is in his cofin. To call the body, the Professor of Surgry is 113, Arta