COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTHER PLANES 85 we beholden to princes of finance, who have shut us away from every goodly gift bestowed by the Father ? Let us seek them out, and slay them.”
Whereupon shall come a Great Tumult. And you shall see that tumult. When those of the humble rank and file discern with accuracy the devastation wrought, to the end and aim that certain of the races shall be reduced to a vassalage, then those who have done the scheming shall pay with their blood.
It is no pretty thing to think about, but you will find it in your Bible.
You will find it in the utterances of your modern prophets who nightly commune with those not in flesh. Your beloved relatives on this side speak of it, for they see it in the making far plainer than you dream.
You ask if there is nothing you can do to obviate your part in this suffering. WE TELL YOU SOLEMNLY THAT ONLY DO YOU SUFFER AS YOU ELECT TO BE LED BY THOSE WHO WALK IN DARKNESS.
A light comes to you presently. As the forces of earth grow darker and darker in their outward manifestations, so does your lamp of understanding shine farther in its radiance ! And what is that radiance ? KNOWING THAT OF WHICH WE HAVE WARNED YOU, WE TELL YOU