THE POWER OF KARMA shall presently declare to the rest of the races :
“We are captains of finance and overlords of commerce. We have preserved our assets while you have been wasting. We have possessed ourselves of the increment of earthly wealth, and made ourselves princes in goods of this world. Thereby have we proven that we are omnipotent. We do not admit Christ to reign over us. We will have none of Him, and less of His followers. We are come upon this earth to subdue it and hold it. We hold the powers of life and death in our hands, and at our judgments, for are we not dispensers of foodstuffs that keep the races of men in existence ? Therefore if they bow not down to us and acknowledge us as princes of this earth, we decree that they starve, and who is there to stop us?”
That day is close, close following on the heels of world-wide depression. Already the nations of Europe are bankrupt. But what is that bankruptcy? What but decrees of those who sit in high places behind barricades of finance, harassing the race.
But men who are not of their order, spurred on by interstellar forces in that moment shall cry aloud, saying: “Who are those who thus dictate to us? Is not the earth God's ? Does not God give us increase ? By what right are