to consist of directions for the establishment and consecration of images. Pandit Javaharlal Shastri has written that he has seen an incomplete manuscript of this work. We are at present unable to give any further information about the same.
In Gommatasâra, we have a mention of several sages to whom Nemichandra makes obeisance as his preceptors.
The Gurus of Nemichandra.
These sages are Abhayanandi, Indranandi, Viranandi and Kanakanandi. There is an epic, named Chandra-prabha Charitam (which we have often quoted in our commentary on Dravyasamgraha composed by Viranandi, at the end of which it is written that Viranandi was the disciple of Abhayanandi and that Abhayanandi was the disciple of Gunanaudi. In Gominatasâra itself we find that Kanakanandi was the disciple of Indranandi.§
* Vide Introduction to Vii! al-dravya-anal.. page 9, footnote No. 2.
+ “णमिऊण अभयणंदि ं सुदसायर पारगिंददिगुरु । वरवीरदिणाहं पयडीणं पञ्चयं वोच्छं ॥"
"वरददिगुरु पासे साऊण सयलसिद्धंतं । सिरिक यदि गुरुणा सत्तट्ठाणं समुद्दिट्ठ ॥”
[Gomatasâra, Karmakamila, verses 785 and 396.]
+ "बभूव भव्याम्बुजपद्मबन्धुः पतुर्मुनीनां गणभृत्समानः । सद्ग्रणीर्देशिगणाग्रगण्या गुणाकरः श्रीगुणनन्दिनामा ॥ मुनिजननुतपादः प्रास्तमिथ्याप्रवादः
सकलगुणसमृद्धस्तस्य शिष्यः प्रसिद्धः । अभवद्भयनन्दी जैनधर्माभिनन्दीस्वमहिमजितसिन्धुर्भव्य लोकैकवन्धुः ॥ भव्याम्भोजविबेाधनोद्यतमतेर्भास्वत् समानत्विषः शिष्यस्तस्य गुणाकरस्य सुधियः श्रीवीरनन्दीत्यभूत् । स्वाधीनाखिलवाङ्मयस्य भुवनप्रख्यातकीर्त्तः सतां संसत्सु व्यजयन्त यस्य जयिनो वाचः कुतर्काङ्कुशाः ॥”
[ चन्द्रप्रभचरितप्रशस्तिः । श्लोकाः १, ३, ४, ]
$ "वरददिगुरुणो पासे से ऊण सयलसिद्धतं । सिरिकणयणंदिगुरुणा सत्तट्राणं समुद्दिटूढं ॥”
[Gommatasára, Karmakânda, verse 396,]