the inmates of hell. The stars and planets, with their orbits, are described, and there is a mention how night and day are caused by the motion of the earth. Besides these, there are other subjects, such as the various kinds of measurements, methods of reckoning, etc.
The opening verses are as follows:"वलगोविंदसिहामणि किरणकलावरुणचरणणहकिरणं । विमलयरणेमिचंदं तिहुवणचंदं णमंसामि ॥ भवणवेंतरजोइसविमाणणरतिरियलोयजिणभवणे । सवामरिंद णरवह संपूजिय वंदिए वंदे ॥"
The last verse, similar to that of Dravya-samgraha, is as follows:"इदि गेमिचंदमुणिणा अप्यस्सुदेणुभयण दिवच्छेण । रयिो तिलोयसारो खमं तु तं वहु सुदाइरिया ॥"
There is a commentary on Trilokasára, written by Madhavachandra Traividya, in the introduction of which we find that the work was obviously written by Nemichandra for imparting knowledge to Chamunda Raya. It is curious to note, however, that at the end of the commentary, Madharachandra says that he himself wrote some verses which have been incorporated in this work, according to the instructions of his preceptor Nemichandra. The commentary begins with the following verse :
"त्रिभुवनचन्द्र जिनेन्द्र भक्तया नत्य त्रिलोकसारस्य। वृत्तिरियं किञ्चिजश-प्रबोधनाय प्रकाश्यते विधिना ॥"
We further hear that there is a work, named Pratişthâpâtha, Pratișthâpâtha. by Nemichandra, which was written in imitation of another work of the same name written by Indranandi, to thom Nemichandra makes obeisance in Gommatasara.t This work is said * "श्रीमदप्रतिहताप्रतिमनिःप्रतिपक्षनिष्करण-भगवन्नेमिचन्द्रसैद्धान्तदेवश्च
तुरनुयोगचतुरुदधिपारगश्चामुण्डरायप्रतिबोधनव्याजेन अशेषविनेयजनप्रतिबोधनार्थं त्रिलोकसारनामानं ग्रन्थमारचयन् तत्रादौ निर्विघ्नतः शास्त्रपरिसमाप्त्यादिकफलकुलमवलोक्य विशिष्टदेवतामभिष्टौति ।"
[Introduction to the Commentary by Madhavachandra.] + “गुरुणेमिचंदसम्मद-कदिमयगाहा तहिं तहिं रइदा। माधवचंदतिविज्जे गियामगुसरणिज मझेहिं॥"
[Commentary hy Madhavachandra.] + "णमह गुणरयणभूसणसिद्धतामियमहब्धिभवभावं । वरवीरणंदिचंदं णिम्मलगुणमिंदर्णदिगुरुं॥"
[Gommatasara, Karmakanda, verse 896.)