Gommatasâra we know that it was composerl hy Nemnichandra. It may be well to give a brief account of the works of Nomichandra at this place. Gommatasâ ra is so named, as it has composed for the realing of
Châmunda Râya who, as we have already shown, Gommatasara.
was also known as Gommata Raya. This work is also known as "',...' :[the compendium of five things), the significance of which will be understood when we inention that in it the following five subjects have been thoroughly treated : (1) Bandha (bondage), (2) Badhyamâna (that which is bound), 6:3 Bandhasvâmi (that which binds), (4) Bandha-letu (the canse of bondage) and (5) Bandha-bheda (the varieties of bondage),
The work consists of 1105 verses in Prakrit, and is divided into two parts Jivakânda and Karmakanda, containing 7:33 and 972 verses respectively. In Jivakânda, there is an emumeration of Varganas, Guņasthậnas, Jiva, l'arrapti. Prâņa, Sanga and Upayógn. In Karmakânda, there are nine sections, called Prakritisamutkîrtana, Banilhodayasatva, Sattvasthanabhanga, Trichûlika, Sthanasamntkirtana, Pratyaya, Bhavachalika, Trikaraña-chůliki and Karma-sthiti-rachana. The eight varieties of Karma and the bondage of Karma, with respect to its Prakriti, Sthiti, Anubhaga and Pradeśa, are also treated in detail. There are also various other subjects connected with Karma which are elaborated in this part. To be bries, the first part of Ciommatasâra gives an idea of the natural characteristics of Jivas and the means and stages of their development, while the second part describes the obstacles producing bondage of Karma which must be removed, in order that Jivas might attain liberation. The advancement of the soul is the end which the author always keeps in view; and it is in this light that he has summarised the precepts of Jaina Acharyas on this point in Gommatasara. The work, in very brief limits, comprises most of the important tenets of Jaina philosophy, * “सिद्धंतुदयतडुग्गयणिम्पलवरणेमिचंदकरकलिया।
गुणरयणभूसणंबुहिमइवेला भरउ भुवणयलं ॥" † Vide:
[Gommatasara, Karmakanda, verse 987.] "श्रीमच्चामुण्डरायप्रश्नानुरूपं गोम्मटसारनामधेयपञ्चसंग्रहशास्त्रं प्रारभमानः।"
[Commentary on Gommatasara by Abhayachandra. From a MSS. in the Central Jaina Oriental Library. Arrull.
What these mean will appear from Drary-samgraha, pages 39, 37, 33, 7 and 8 respectively.