spiritual preceptor of Chamunda Râya, who erected the image of Gommatesvara.*
In the introduction to the commentary on Gommatasâra by Abhayachandra, we find that this work was composed according to the desire of Chamunda Râya, who wished to learn the exposition of substances as enumerated in the canonical works of the Jainas. In a very old illuminated manuscript of Trilokasära, composed by Nemichandra, we have a picture representing Châmunda Raya, with several courtiers hearing the tenets of Jainism as expounded by Nemichandra. (See picture facsimile reprint of this, facing this page).
Nemichandra Siddhanta-chakravartti is the author of (1) DravyaThe works of Ne- Samgraha, (2) Gommatasara, (3) Labdhi-sara, (4) michandra.
Ksapanasara and (5) Trilokasara In Vahuvali Charitra we have “Nemichandra, the author of Gommatasara, Labdhisâra and Trilokasâra.”† In the last verse of Dravya-samgraha, Nemichandra has mentioned his name.t Similarly, from a verse in
* “गोम्मट संगहसुत्तं गोम्मटसिहरुवरि गोम्मटजिणा य ।
गोम्मटरायविणिम्मियदक्खिण कुक्कुडजिणे जयउ॥ जेण विणिम्मियपडिमावयण सबसिद्धिदेवेहिं । सबपरमोहिजोगिहिं दिहं सो गोम्मटो जयउ॥ वजयणं जिणभवणं ईसिपभारं सुवण्णकलसं तु। तिहुवणपडिमाणिक जेण कयं जयउ सो रायो । जेणुभियथंभुवरिमजकरव-किरीटग्गकिरण जलधोया। सिद्धाण सुद्धपाया सो राम्रो गोम्मटो जयउ ॥ जहि गुणा विस्संता गणहरदेवादि-इढिपत्ताणं । सो अजियलेणणाहो जस्स गुरु जयउ सो राम्रो ।"
[Gommatasära Karmakânda, verses 968–971 and 966.] † Vide: "सिद्धान्तामृतसागरं स्वमतिमन्थक्ष्माभृदालोड्य मध्ये लेभेऽभीष्टफलप्रदानपि सदा देशीगणाग्रेसरः । श्रीमद्गोमटलब्धिसारविलसत्त्रैलोक्यसारामरमाजश्रीसुरधेनुचिन्तितमणीन् श्रीनेमिचन्द्रो मुनिः ॥"
[Vahuvali Charitra, verse 63.] + "णेमिचन्दमुणिणा भणियं जम् ।" ।
[Dravya-samgraha, verse 58],