29 (1) According to the Digambaras, Kevalīns
are perfect saints, such as the Tir
thankaras, who live without food. (2) The embryo of Mahāvīra was not
removed from the womb of Dēvānanda to that of Trisala, as the
Svētāmbaras contend. (3) The Digambaras believe that a monk
· who owns any property, i.e., wears
clothes, cannot reach Nirvīna. (4) No woman can reach Nirvana. (5) Tke Digambaras disowned the canonical
books of the Svētāmbaras, as has • already been pointed out by Dr.
Hoernle. The Jain heirarchy and succession of Gurus Chandra. after Chandragupta can be ascertained from suc Sravana Belgola Inscriptions Nos. 47, 145, 108 and 54. First comes Yatindra Kunda', a, great Jain Guru,"who, in order to show that bodh within and without he could not be assisted by Rajas, moved about leaving a space of four inches between himself and the earth under his fect." Umāsvāmi, the compiler of Tattvārtha Sūtra, Griddhrapinchha, and his disciple Balākapinchha follow. Then comes, Samantabhadra, ever fortunate', “whose discourse lights up the palace of the three worlds filled with the all meaning Syadvada.” This Samantabhadra was
"Sravana Belgola Inscription, the Bombay Branch of the Royal No: 105.
Asiatic Society, Vol. XVIII, p.213. From a paper read by Mr. Sravana Belgola Inscription, K. B. Pathak, vide the Journal of No. 105.