In the Kannada Bhāratar of Pampa composed at least a century earlier than Nan
naya's Telugu Mthābhārata, I have counted · among 772 verses distributed over 8 chapters (dealing with the portion of the Bhārata story corresponding to the three Parvas of Nannaya's Telugu Bhāratam) only 1. malini and 2. sardulavikriditams. This shows that these types of verse were not as much favoured as other types by this author.
In the Telugu Mahābhārata of Nannaya I have counted 7 malinis and 18 (Tiredilar) sardulams. The details of distribution are as follows :Malini.
1. ii, 31, 96 ; v. 127 ; vi. 309 ; viii. 196;. 234.
II. ii. 75.
III.• Sardulams.--
I. i. 69, 78, 111 ; ii. 12, 153, 227 ; iii. 11, 21 ; iv. 8; v. 106, 189, 257 ; vi. 9, 29 ; vii. 197, 216. viii.
II. III. i, ii, iii. 157, 222 ; iv
(6) Sisam is one of.the most popular metres. of Nannaya suited particularly to descriptive • narration, for which it has been used in the
excerpt' from the Dirghasi inscription quoted