72" ANDHRA KARNATA JAINISM. : Rani, Ravutu, Bradhani, vahanapati, Pujari, which shows the nature of civic life brought into these parts by the Kadamba immigrants.
In the Koraput Agency of the Vizagapatam District, Kadamba guda occurs twice as a placename, while, there is but one village name in bhatta, viz., Vuskabhatta.
In the Malkanagiri Agency, Kadambaguda and its varients occur thrice and Jayantigiri occurs once. Amalabhatta, Kosatabhatta occur as place-names. Village nanies in Sanyāsi, Pu• jari, Patra, Pragada, Pradhani, Nantri, Nayaka, Dalapati, Dandusena occur and they indicate a high state of political organisation after the manner of Kautilya and other carly authorities on Arthasastra. This familiar and significant place-name Kadambaguda also occurs in the Navarangapur Agency. Quite a large enough number of place-names in bhatta also occur, e.g., Amalabhatta, Bhattikota, Daibhatia, Kodubhatta, Mohabhatta, Movulibhatta, Posakabhatta, Pulobhatta, Sindibhatta, Sorsubhatta. Place-names in Turangi, Raja, Rani, Nayaka, Pradhani, Mantri, Adhikari, Pujari, Pandita indicate the arts and institutions of civic life.
The Raigada Agency of the Vizagapatam District has a village called Kadambariguda, named perhaps after a chieftain who conquered the Kadamba sovereign of these parts and adopted it as his style like the title Sakari adopted by the Andhra king who destroyed the Saka ascendency.