village. A damaged record. Refers. the image of "Bhattaraka Jina Chandra of Mūla Sangha.
Anantapur District. Tād- (k) In the north-west corner of the patri. Prakara of the Ramesvaraswami
temple, first stone. A Jain record of Udayāditya, son of Sōmidēva and Kānchaladēvi in S.1130 expired, Ka-,
layukti.. The donor resided at Tati
· para, Tõdpatri. Kotta- (k) On a pillar in the same place.
siva- Registers that this basadi was built rām. by Dēvanandi Achārya, pupil of
Pushpanandi Maladhari Dēva of
'Kanurgana, Kondakundānvaya. Amara- .(k) On a pedestal lying in the courtpuram. yard of the same teinple. This is
the hasadi caused to be made by a pupil of Balēndu Maladhari Dēva, a disciple of Tribhuvanakīrti-Ravula of Ingalēsvara, belonging to Müla Sangha, Dēsiyagana, Kondakundānvaya and Pustakagachcha.
North Arcot District. Vallima- Rock inscription in a Jain cave on lai. the bill. A record of the Ganga
King Rachamalla I, the son of