EPIGRAPHIA JAINICA. (k) On a fifth stone. This is the
Nisidi of Kommasetti, a lay disciple
of Prabhachandra Dēva. . Tamada- Oů a stoneelying on a platform in the halli courtyard of the Anjaneyaswami
temple. This is the Nisidi of Chandraka Bhattaraka, pupil of Charukīrti Bhattaraka of the Mūla Sangha,
Dēsigana. • Agali (k) On a stone lying in the courtyard
caf Jaina basadi in the village.. This is the Nisidi of Krishnisetti, son of Bettisetti, a lay disciple of Dēvachandra Dēva of Mūla Sangha and
the Dēsiyagana.. Kotipi (k) On a boulder in a field below the
tank bund in the same village. Bears the sentence “ Hail! the speech of the blessed Mandachari has proved true.” On another part of the stone are three lines of writing not quite legible. The first line seems to contain the name Charurasi Bhanditar for Charurasi Panditar, the title of a particular order of Jain monks.
Bellary District. Raya- (k) On a pedestal of the Rasasiddha durg. images in the same village. Records
in Pramādi, Magha, Su. di. 1, Monday, : that a Nisidi was constructed on this: