Absence of the word
The Tondaimandala Pattayam gives an “Pallavar' account of the various branches of Tirayar. in Sangam literaturi
This has been noted by Kankasabhai Pillai, in explained.
his book "Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago." As one of the main branches of Tirayar, we have Pallava Tirayar, showing thereby the connection of Pallavar with Tirayar. It is therefore natural to suppose that the Pallavar were known to eariy Sangam literature by their group name of Tirayar; but, as their power and influence increased in the land, their branch name 'Pallava Tirayar ' assumed greater importance. Hence the absence of the word “Pallavar' in the 4th and 5th century literature, and the greater frequency with which this name 'Pallavar · occurs in later works, such as Nandikkalamba kam. One other fact may be mentioned. The commentator of Tolkāppiyam, Nachinārk-kiniyar, quotes the following stanza Hby way of illustrating the 54th sutram of Poruladikāram Ahattinai 1-yal. "முலைமொழி தீம்பான் மண்சேறு படுப்ப
மலர் தலையுலக மோம்பு மென்ப பரிசிலைத்தொண்டைப் பல்லவனாணையின் வெட்சித் தாயத்து வில்லே ருழவர் பொருந்தா வடுகர் முனைச் சுரங்
கடந்து கொண்ட பல்லா நிரையே.'' Reference to We have here the words 'Q 87 007 COLUUNROOT Chalukyas in Diväkaram, u It is an acknowledged fact that NachchinārkSangam work.
'kiniyar always quotes from Sangam literature alone and the above stanza whas the imprint of