Henceforth he utilised his exburhting his inner souls enemies. He .
s son Darsaka and became a s his life in religious retirement.
upholder of
15 . his afterlife he seems to have become dis worldly pursuits. Henceforth he utilica ant energy in fighting his inner soul's en gave his throne to his son Darsaka and Jaina reclusel to pass his life in religious ret Darsaka was in turn succeeded by his son, who was a Ifirm upholder of lainico the irony of fate worked haur case, for the very favour which be in
favour which be had bestowed
sved to be the cause of his ruin. upon the Jainas proved to be the cause
we whose father he had dethroned
his life and aware of the welcome plotted against his life and aware of t
to the lainas by Udayana, he entered his palace in the disguise of a Jain monk a him in the night.
Such were the brave & ideal Ki Saisurnagas who protessed Jainism
Bucet the Nandas, who ruled after the Sisu
Kino Nandavardhana was a great monarch. With his huge army he conquered Kalinga and most of upper India. He was a great hero, who attacked the persian garrisons on the N. V. Frontier and liberated India from their yoke. He was also a Patron of Jainism. 1. K. P. Jain. Sh.T. Itihasa Toi. 11. n. 25, 2. Jaina Encyclopaedia (Hindi) Tol. I p. 35 3. Cambridge History of India. dacievt Indice 4. Jourual of the Bilar & Orissa PiescerS2 Tol. I, p. 165.