The tradition runs that he built many shrines on the summit of Parasnath Hill in Bihar.1
Amongst the sons of Shrenika Bimbisara, Varisena is famous for his piety and endurance of austerities. He was ordained as a naked saint by Mahavira, and attained Liberation.
In his old age Shrenika Bimbisara resigned the royal power and placed it in the hands of his favourite son Kunika Ajatshatru, and retired into private life. Ultimately he was tortured to death by Ajatshatru. Jainas believe that Shrenika Bimbisara will be a Tirthankara in the next cycle of time.”
Kunika Ajatshatru came to throne about 554 B.C. Soon after the Nirvana of Mahavira, he took the vows of a Jaina Upasaka (householder) from Sudharmaswami, who was the surviving chicf apostle of Mahavira. Ajatshatru was a great monarch and patron of Jainas 3. The chicf cvents of his reign are (1) Nirvana of Mahavira, (2) a war with Kosala, (3) the Conquest of Vaisali. (4) the Founding of Pataliputra (5) and the massacre of the Sakyas. Daring and impetuous, hc sccms to have passed his whole life in warfare with his neighbours. But in 1. Journal of the Royaldsintic Society, January 1824. 2. Samk-ipto Juina Itihasa, Vol. II. pt. I. pp. 21-22 3. Cambringe llistory of India-Ancient Iudin, I, p.-101. 4. Smith, Early History of India pp. 37-38.