A jala-nidhi-pariveştisid à Jambūdvipa madhyado! Mēru-nagam rājipud-endesag amarasamājade-sura-dhēnu-dēvataru-pañcakadim a-Mērugiriya tenkaņa-dikkinoļu-dharma-bhūmi-Bharatakhandamirppud adarol-atiramaniyamāda-nānā-deśam unf-a-deśadoļu Jinadharma-āvāsav-ādatt amaļa vinayad āgārav ādattu Padmāsanirppaā-sadmav-ādatt ativisada-yaso-dhāmav ādattu vidyā-dhana-janmasthānav-ādatt asama-tarala-gambhira-sad-gēhav-ādatt enisalk intulla nānā-mahimeyol esugam capu-Karnăţa-dēśamam.
(By its roaring waves and dashing spray proclaiming that it had mountains and pearls was the ocean surrounding Jambūdvīpa, in the middle of which was mount Meru, south of which was the land of dharma Bharata-khanda. Among the many beautifui countries it contained, an abode of the Jina dharma. a mine of good discipline, like the dwelling of Padmāsana (Brahma), having acquired great fame, the birth-place of learning and wealth, the home of unequalled splendid earnestness, thus distinguished in many ways was the lovely Karnāța country.)
Epigraphia Carnatica, VIII. Kuppatūr stone inscription styled Sb. 261, dated A.D. 1408, pp. 41, 107 (text). See
P. 309 of this work.