Unfortunately, we do not get much information regarding the internal administration of a village. We are told that the villages were under their headmen known as bhoya, bhojka" or mayahara," and the meetings of the villages were held in a hall (sabha).' The leader of a maḍamba which consisted of eighteen thousand villages was known as maḍambiya. The guild or corporation (seni) was a powerful factor in the economic and social life of the people of the village, about which we shall see further.
11 Vya. Bhd., 7, 459 cf. gamabhajaka in the Dhammapada A., I, p. 89; also see Rhys Davids, Cambridge History of India, p. 208. 13 Uttara. 7., 3, p. 57; 9, p. 142a; 18, p. 250. 18 Raya. Sa., 21.
Vya. Bhd. Ti., 4. 52.