cāba (bow), nāräca (iron-tipped arrow), kanaka (arrow), kappini (a kind of scissors), vasi (adze), parasu (axe, and sayagghi)." Defensive armours are mentioned. We are told that Kūnika used an impregnable coat of mail while fighting with Cedaga."
Besides, magical missilcs are mentioned. Nāgabāna, tāmasabana, paumabåna, vahnibāna, etc., are described as great weapons. It is said that the serpent missiles when set on the bow went forth like an arrow, then they transmuted into snakes and acted like a lasso; the missiles of darkness filled the battle-field with darkness.70
Flags, drums and trumpets roused the spirit of the warriors in ancient India. The warriors from either side tried to cut off the banners with arrows and they captured the flag and the battle was lost to the party which lost the flag" The Brhatkalpa Bhasya refers to four types of drums of Kanha Vasudeva, viz., Komudikā," Sangāmiya, Dubbhutya, and Asivopasamini ; it is said that they all were made of sandal wood. The drums were also imbued with medicinal propcrties. It is said that asivopasamini when beaten banished the diseases for the period cf six months.? Krsna possessed another drum named Sannähıya 80 Hearing the beating of this drum the warriors gathered together and marched against the king Paumanābha.81
78 pp. 17a, 44 , Uttara , 19, 51 55, 58, 61 f, see also Abhidhinacintamant (3446-451) ; Arshaśāstra (p 110 f); Rāmāyana, III, 22 20 ff, Pusalkar, Bhasa-- Study, ch xvi, p. 414 ; Banerjea, op cit, p. 204 ff , Mehta, PBI, 171, Date, G T, The 1st of War in Ancient India ; Oppert Gustav, Weapons and drmoury Organisation
74 Uttara., 9 18, also Ramājāna, I, 6 11 , according to the Arthaśāstra (p. 110), it was a big pillar with immense number of sharp points on its surface and situated on the top of a fort wall Sataghni is also mentioned in the Alahäbharata III, 291. 24 ; it was ornamented with bells and was bright and hollow, it was flung by hand and like a sword or a spear, was split to pieces, by aniows, Hopkins, AOS, Vol 13, p 300
13 Bhag, 7. 9 76 Fira , 3, p 152a , Jambu Su Ti , 21, p 12a Also sce Rāmāyana, I, 37, Paz
17 cf Bhag., 79, for the description of a flag sce Kalpa, 3. 40. cf. also Amigana III, 97 15 ; Mahabharata, VI, 83. 46 ff.
18 In the Mahabharata, Kaunrudiki is mentioned as a mace of Krena ; it was capable of slaying every dartya, Mahabharata, I, 231. 28
70 Pi., 356 80 Sannahıki bher i 13 also mentioned in the Alalibharata (I, 244. 38) 81 Naya., 16, p. 190.