It is described in Buddhist literature as Vamsā or Vatså, 896 and is identified with the region near about Prayag 886
It is mentioned that Karakandu converted the Candālas of Vādahānaga to Brahmanism 897
Vātadhānas are mentioned in the Alahäbharata (II. 35 8). Their country, Vātadhāna, was a part of the leiritory stretching from Pañcanada to the Ganges They inhabitated the country on the east side of Sutlej, southward from Ferozepore 308
Vaddhamana-a village
Valdhamīna was anotur name for Atthiyagama (See Atthiyagama).
l'addhamanapura--a city
It is mentioned that the fourteenth Tillhayara rcccived his first alms here 889
This town was visited by Mahāvira There was a garden here named Vijayavaddhamāna with the shrine of Manibhadda Jakkla 800
Vaidhamānapura is mentioned in the Diparamsa. Dr Law identifics it with modern Burdwan 901
(See Bāhala).
Vardısa--a city
It is mentioned that there was a sandalwood idol of Mahāvīra in Vaidisa which was visited by Mahāgiri This town was also visited hy Suhatth1 902
Vaidisa and Mahură are mentioned as manufacturing centres of cloths 3 Vaidisa is included with Sindhu, where the holy scripture Pannatlı was not to be studied 04
895 Kanhadibãyana 3ặtaka (IV, P 28) 896 CAGI, P709 807 Uttara Ti, 9, P 134 598 Pargitar, Mārkendeya Pürāna, p 312 Also see Dr Motichand's article Geographical
and Economic studies in the Mahābhārata, 3 U P HS., Vol XVI, Pt II, pp. 37 f. 899 Āra Tir 324
Ini 10 p 36 901 GEB, 69 Also see G D., p. 26. 901 Āra Nir,1278 BOR Āq Ti, p 307, Haribhadra 904 Süya. cu., P 20.