lattiyayai- acuty
Alattiyavai was the capital of Dasanna, one of the twenty five and a lialf Aryan countries
According to the Harvamsa Purāna, Mrttikāvati was situated on the Neimada river 542
Alayagangā—a river (dahu)
Mayangã was the lower part of the Ganges where plenty of water was collected, and never flowed out 043
According to anothci tiadition, the iegion where the Ganges entered the sce, changed its cousc from ycar to year, and the oldest region was called Mayagangā 544 It is mcntioned that on the bank of Mayagangā thele lived Balakotta, a lc.der of the Cándalas 545 The lakc, Vlayaganmütīraddaha. 15 1clcrrcd io in the Nārādhammakah This lakc was located to the north-east of Benalcs,546
the sea, changanga *
It is more of the Cāndalas.
This lake was
llájandi-- a city
Thc Nårādhammnhahi rcfcis to a mcı chant, Makandi, of Campā.547 Vakandi is close ubed in the Samaräiccakahi 518
Mākandi was anotlıcı capital of southern Pañcāla which cxtcndcd 110m tlic soutliern bank of the Ganges to thc river Carmanvati or Chambal 549
Mendhiyagiima--a city
It is said that Mahāvīra arrived here from Nandiggāma and proceeded 10 Kosambi On his second journcy he is said to have arrived here from Jambhiyagāms and proceeded to Chamāni.650
Its cxact situation is not known.
Migakotthaga --a city
It is inentioncd that Jamadagui arrived here from Vasantapura.801
It seems to be identical with Indapura which was another name for Känyakubja (See Indapura).
641 I, 36.15 543 Uttară Co, 13. p 213 ; a. ca., p. 510. 341 Aze. Ti, p. 498 a. 618 Uttară Cu, 12, p 202. 548 4. p 65. 647 9. p. 121. 848 ch. B. 849 GD, p. 145. 380 Sre Supra, p. 260. 881 Ja, Cü., p. 510.