Maishima Pểuẩ<a Gaty
Same as Apāvā (See Apāvā). (1) Mälava or Mälavaka—a kingdom
Mālava is included in the list of the sixteen Janapadas
Mālava was known for bhogiya or bohiya robbers, who resided in the range of the mountain and kidnapped people from Ujjeni 504
The bread-fruit (panasa) was unknown in this country , 505 the pulse masura was known here as cavalaga,506 and mandaga (a thin rice-cake) was available in plenty in this country 507
People from Milaya were knowa for their harsh language 508
It is identified with Malwa. At the time of Rāja Bhoja, its capital was Dhārānagara. Its former capital was Avanti or Ujjeņi. 509
(2) Mälava--country
Mālava was considered among the non-Āryan countries. 510 It is identified with the region around Multan in the Punjab,611
(1) Malaya—a kingdom
Malaya is considered among the twenty five and a half Aryan countries with Bhaddilapura as its capital It is also counted among the sixteen janapadas. Malaya was noted for cloths 512
This country was situated in the south of Patna and south-west of Gaya in Bihar, 515
(2) Malaga-a country
This country was situated in South. Malaya is mentioned in the Byhatkathākosa and was situated in Dakşināpatha where lay the country of Pandava or Pandya in its south. The mountain Malaya is located in this country. 814
Malaya may be identified with the Malayalam or Malabar country, including Cochin and Travancore. 616
J04 Nisi Ca, 16, p. 1110 Bodhas are referred to in the Mahabhä. VI. 9 39. LOS Brh Bhā Vi Ti , 47. 600 Das, cũ , 6, p 212 507 Pında Nur Ti, 204, p 73. 508 Brh Bhā Vr. 6. 6126. 600 GDP 122
Vya Bhà V1.1 p 121 a ; Ogha. Nir. Bha. 26, p. 18a. 511 G. D, p. 122. 612 Anu. Su 37, p. 30; Nisi.ců., 7, p. 467. 513 S.B.M., P 381. 614 75,1 ; 56. 2... 615 G. D., p. 122.