fluence in Indian society 118 The contents of the Ditthaya in thc Vand 119 mention the eighty cight Sülias out of which twenty twu stil said to have followed the ti adition of the Ajucikas and twenty two those of the Terasiyas, who were the disciples of Gosala according to Abhayadev a 120 There is no wondei if Vinhua ncc influenced by Gosala's doctrines Unfortunately, no authoritative statements recording the tencts of the Azīvikas have come forth so far, for which we have to dcpend solely on the Jain and Buddhist records I he order of the Archas 1) thuice mentioned in the edicts of hing Isoha whose graudson Dasaratha gave them some cave dwellings at tlır Igaljuni and Bd. abar hills Ihen Varahamihaia (about 550 A D) mcutions this scct as one of the scien sects of his time In the Nisītha curni Sth rentury) as pointed out above, the Pandiarabhihkhus are identified with the disciples of Gos la Silanka (876 A D ) identifies the Ajīvikas with the Digamhanas, both being the followers of 2 Gosāla, and Bhattotpala thic commcntitoi of the Bihajutaka identified them with the Ekadandın 1 3
The Suyagada, ga descnbcs the fou heretical cccds of the time of Mahāvīra, which aic Kujan (Kua ida), lkuyam thrijāāda), Annānam (Ajñānarāda) and Vinizam (11 asarādn)13)
118 Buddha considcied Vikhhalı 75 the most dangerous cf the livietical teachers (ingattara
133) 10 Su 57 190 Sama 12 22 P 317 T wil, cuciding the hill as Ira ( p 2252) the Tera Tyas
were the descendance Nibigin 131 Cf Jacobi Br'YI D i ful cugid nulus ferm dn pruit of the ancients
cice of Jainism and Mahav might have borowed them from the Icelahas on 11 granthas tlic followers of G u with whon hic is 11 to have lived for at Prof Jacobi has also pointed illic emblances between the duct inc or Jains and that of Gosalı (1) both lica in tollcus sillning bangs possess life (2) both hue the di ision of minils oncm ) the sense uh having no cost two scUSC)
etc (3) both b lice in the d ining of sile) (ibil p ) Suja 11133 halyan jild SBVP- 1) Indi l us als nulis p239f rhy
sect is also incntioned in the Suth India inscup in 1 Rajt thu Culling of the 13th century of the Wikim (11 But this si mistih i his inscription is meant loi the Digambara Jains in I not for the 11 the lhe sect of the chu was no more in rxistence during this period and becaust the sathus of thư 11 das ind thc Dimbara
both went about haled one was conveniently conficd with the other (ibid). 14 121