which the bitter experience of the which excludes the people from an necessarily they must be countries punt may be relied on to prevent offective voice does not involve sympathetic to Indian aspirations, thuy mistakes of oltinacy and refusal to co-operto in an adminis- And those which we shall exclude. parvion which print solution tration of which the people are an The failure to deal with this quesof the problem at Surnt.
effective part. The refusal of anto- tion is largely responsible for the Outside the Cong the chances crtic gifte does not involve a relaxity of our politionl boycott and of united working are more fusal to take up popular rights in our consequent failure to get the complete than within it. There are alienably secured to the people. It Partition rescinded. There are only two questions which are likely in on the contrary with the also other questions, such the either to trouble harmony or hamper object of compelling the con attempt of shopkeepwers and mer. action. The first in the quration Orion of the various elements chants to pang off foreign goods of the acceptance or rejection of Swarnj by peaceful moml of the present reforms introducing, pressure and in the absence of such be taken up at once if the moveas tbey do, no element of popular concessionsdeveloping our own insti. ment is not to suffer a seriots contrul nor any fronhon-titutional tution to the gravlunl extrusion and scthuck. principle except the uncond prin final supplanting of bureaucratic A final difficulty remains--by ciple of privileged representation for institutions that tho policy of self
what organization are we to carry a single ammunity. This involves help and passive resistance WAN start
on the movement even when these the wider question of our ed. This moeptance of popular
questions are settled? The Nationtion. It is rally Hup that right do not imply the abandon- lint programme was to build up a the Nationalist urty in communitt m ent of the ideal of complete Auto- xrent deliberative and executive to the printent and uncomprom- nomy or of the use of punire TONIA
organisation on the basis of a re ising refund of co-operation until tince in case of any future arbitrary cousituted Congron, and this thry vot the fall cunowion of Swaraj. interference with the rights of the weheme weill remains the Nationnlint publicists have not people. It implies only the le of feasible ments of organising the Carol to combut this error explicit purtinl Swaraj as a tep and means country. Even if an united Conly ben they were more an towards complete Swaraj. Where KTC cannot be secured, the proXIU to put their ideal opted the Nationalista definitely and
vinces ought to organise themselves and th wpirit of MLAVE ROSIN decisively part company with an in- puntely, and perhaps this may tance and complete self-help popu. fluential section of the Moderatrs is prove to be the only possible way Turized than to
questionin refusing to recept any petty or of rustering the Congress, by rrwhich w e then part of illusory Ouncion which will draw conitituting it from the bottora practical pilities. But it is why our spiration from their | Even the District organisations. obou that Mrty ruluncing inalterable del or illude the peo however, annot work effectively sich proposition would be party ple into thinking th y have secured without hands, and these we had of doctrinns and identits, hot na mght.
provided for in the Subhan and of pratical thinkers and workers. Another question is that of cleav
Sunitis of young Inen which pang The Nationalit principle in the ing to an enforcing the Bayeutt. up on all sides and were just sucpinciple of "no control, 1960-**ra- In Bengal, win if there are e ceeding in forming in thicient tion." Since all control has been who are timidor retary network of organisation all over refused and so long as all control is enough to shrink from the word Bengal. There are now being nupto the Nation.dint purty or the thing, the when fling proses by administrative dhe proaches the refunil of 00-[ in its favori inputic and it becomes a question whether we tion complete w we en make practically unanimon. But it is cannot replace them by los anil 1. But it is event that if, for time now to consider seriously the clusive organisation of young men
istance, the power of mining question of regulating the perill. in groups ordering each its own protective duties were given to Nationalists have always lemurred
work by common agreement and popular suloletive body, no to the presio "far as posible" working hand in hand, but withont Nerou political party would in the Swahi lution in a rigid or definito organisation. I profer printaneu in cul count of the large loophole it throw out the suggestion for con
real buyoutt to the use of the vaguen left to the hewtating wideration by the lowers of thought powers conce. Or if education and the lukewarin, and they have indtion in the provinces wher Were wimlarly made front of official preferred the form "ut Nicrifice." unity Newms at all fusible. control and entrusu to a popular But it will now be well if we face
This then is the situation is in bully, w Lord Roay once thought of the concrete problems of the bwy.
presents itself to me. The policy ctitrusting it, no saible politi- Dott. Whilo we must keep it abho
I suggest to the Nationalist party Bien would us the ention to buy luto whorevor Swadeshi articles
may briefly be summed up a oott that education. Or if the are procurablo as also in respoct to
follows:onurta Wiru munnot by Indian puru luxurion with which we can disjulgus and home rempubaiblo not pense, we must recognize that thoro
1. Persistence with a strict to thu Executive but to * Minister are noosition of life and businos
regard to law in a peaceful polioy roprusunting tho popie, arbitration for which we have still to go t of self-help and passive resistance. would immodiately take it place forvign countries. The public ought 2. The regulation of our atitude as a supplementary aid to the rogu- to bo guirlod w to the cholca of the towards the Governinout by thr lar courte. So now the refused to countries which we shall favour in principle of "No control, n o 00 operato in an adroinistration the purchase of those artiolos operation."