XOCA *** Jin the wall apely Her soul in God, 1. By this pori of intellectual
A havinksite being in Gout, and I yoga Nowtou saw the law of What in yop? The average manlivings moving and aternally exist gravitation in the falling Appleof the world geperally connecting to Clod. .
Archimedes found tho suuret of yoga with living in forowth an PEYSICAL YOGA. specifio gravity and cried "Eureka" raves, and going about in sackcloth | The mechanic, chemist and an od Edison unravellol the inysAnd when
panter know very well how to setorics of Electricity. Yoga in union in partition, maitycomplish something by uniting or 1 It is only when nan canthus in divernity. It is the many boonten d imuniting different things and, withdraw hitoself eatirely from ing one. In it lies wtrength. I component parta.
the world of praying phenomena Can erily bronk twig. but a The Pyramids have been poeniblo
And, retiro into the charnber of silence bundle of twige
defies defies
my my
in the past by the upited efforts of in the past by the united effortw of
within thnt he is face to face with mticularity. man. Look at the big warehouses,
Truth and annue and know By a knowlerige of the laws of marta, wharves, armies and navier,
truth at first hand. Truth is like union and disunion man has and see what union amongst men
Heaven's glorious run that is not to bright the powers of Nature under can accomplish.
be won with suny looks. It his control. Electricity comes down This new era in the history of
requirus whole-rouled and conti from the clouds to light our mankind is an era of Yogn, of
nued offort of the mind to lisroum, tum our fans, cook our united effort amongat men and
cover and know Truth and the meals, and brush our shoes. This women. What was impresible fifty
laws of nature. It is by means of this is a matter of every day experience years ago has been possible now.
Intellectul Yoga that man can JWW. The Railway, the telegraph the
work in the mine of Truth. Mou Yoga is the focussing of man's Pret Office, or aerial naviga
of genius can take the necessary various powers on any subject. tion was the wildest dream of the
pains to go through this process. Yoga may be physical, intelleotnal Ancienta A man who would talk
Genius has been defipul to be the and spiritual as well as national of such things being possible was
capacity for taking infinite prins and international considered fit enough for nothing
in any mattor Truth has the Yoga begots power, and strength else and already on the highway
been worshipped by her votaris Ik pasible what is otherwise to Bedlam. But to-day they
to Bedlam. But today
in all agus and in all climes. There impossible. objects of actual experience to every
is no other royal road to Truth. Yoga is sometimes misunder-man and woman and child. These This process of knowing truth stool. It is not the union of the things and much more are the first hand may bu calloul Intellectual human soul with God, for the soul resulta of physionl union. Wo shall and the oversoul are already in see by and by what man enn 1000
When the mind in ihsulutely union. The soul is in 'God. God plish by uniting amongst millions
aboboil in any pursuit, it loista is in the woul, you can only unite and nations.
touch with everything else. When what is not united. To talk of 1 The boxer puts the whole
our attention is entirely engaged Tuiting the human soul in the strength and weight of his body in in study of any subject, say, God betrays an ignorance of the one arm and into ono blow. The
beautiful piece of poetry, ruinat entire relation between God and
sonata of Mozart and the soul painting or Architecture, or in the MUS, between the croator and the entrancing raptures of Tanson and
interesting gano of chess, we forget cruatot. It is insanity to talk of Beethoven en due to the uniting everything else and do not mine marriage of an already married together in burutiful manner of the ticking of the clock ar the hun buuple. It will be just as un- the different sounds of the mut. of human voices and are lost, as it naturul to talk of uniting your The Taj and the Apollo Belvedere
were, to the world for the time muterial body with space, booluse and the Madorna owe their perfoc
buing. yvery atom that he material tion of beauty to the knowledgo of
(To be continued.) existance is already in space. the union. Put the different parts HEXENDRA NATH SINHA. Yoga is not the union of the
together properly and you have the hunan soul in the Divino soul. highest work of art. Taku thu
MEETING IN COLLEGE SQUARE. It is the uniting of all of the powers
parts separately and the onchantof the soul, the focussing of the
ment is gone. scattered rays, as it were, in order
The mannor, the procedure, the
BABU AUROBINDO GHOSE'S SPEECH. to throw a strong flood of spiritual scientific method by which such
The following is the full text of the light on the hitherto unexplored
results are brought about may bo peech of Babu Aurbindo (Lowe w Galled Yoga. Similarly the proces
presided at Sunday's toooting in C i regions of the spirit. There in the
Square Light in 48-in all. What we
by which God is. Durcuired in the I thank you for the kindly wel . want it to know it, vel it, and see soul to allod Yoga
that you hate woorde lo nie. "The
fixed by the law for the breaking up a it. This is not uniting in a INTELLECPUAL YOGA. the nioetinge is also al law, and a purely physical sense, but the It is only when man aan unite
afraid I have disapointed une t
Apenkers by getting up so wron. But they object of yoga is actual perception, his mothernd mental powon that
to-day. realiation of the Divine Poprobaliw he can acomplish Nayghing great,
BIR E. BAKER'S SPEECH Mwell m development of the four the mind, Show your
Recently spech how bryn made in the powers of the Soul. Attention properly, agd the problem Bungal Logtulative Cone by the 1.4
the province, a poorth I Link A Yogn is a memu to an eod. which hitherto laughed at your one of the most unfort to wad ng The ond is not anion, but peroep solutions is revealed to your ken and mading that have to delivere Itix liring realisation of God. booomes clear as drylight. T he pos visi
SX 125