borse human milfishness, family secure her gtentnen becsense of my scured except by a genem! mulibelfishnews, las selfishnee having pride in her and my desire to nee noss to sacrifice the individual and
till deep roots in the past must my nation donnant and imperial. the family to the interests of the fourn to Anou then selves in the All these are forms of Nelfishness nation. Nowadays a new call in vinilarger national self in order that pursning man into the wider life bly, forming the call on the higher The God in humanity may grow. which is meant to print in liberat- classes to sucrifice their privilegen Therefore it in that Nationalin in ing him frommelfishnea. The and prejndices, as the Japanese the, hermer of the age, and God curse of capitalism, the curse Smurni did, for the rising up of reveals himself w us in our common of Imperialism which nfflict the lower. The sprvad of a general Mother. The first attempts to form modern nations are due to this spirit of ungrudging self-sacrifice 11 nationality were the Greek city insintenar. It is the source of that is the indispensable prelude to the the Semitic or Mongolian inonnrchy, pride, incolence and injustice creation of the Indian nation. the (tie clan, thu Aryan ka ur which affect a nation in i prosper. This truth is not only evident frem jati. It will the mixture of all theneity and by that fatal progression the very nature of the movement dry which went to the formation which the Greeks with their sonte we have initintol, but it is borne of the wwwval nintion and evolvedl sense for those things clearly ont by the texts of history and exthe mulern peoplex. Here again, domarcated, it leads from prosperity purience to which we have been it in the rulines to wicrifice nolf- to inwolence and outrage and from recently muked to refer in each intervy, family intorust, clos inter- insolence and outrage to that ate, individual case before the act of cut to the larget national interest that blind inftantion, which is sacrifice in decided. It is by the which in the condition of humanity' God's instrument for the destruction appeal to history and experiences fulfilment in the nation and to die of men and nations. There is only that the Nationalist party has cota furity welfare or wafety is the su one retnedy for this purning evil vinood the intellect just as by its preme uit of welf-consummation in and it is to rogard the nation Ann inspiring ideals and readiness to The la per national ego. There is a necrary unit but no more in a suffer it has carried with it the vet higher fulfilment for which only onmmon humanity.
horrt of the nation. The demand a few individuals hnve shown There are two stages in the life of that we would in every individual themselves rowdy, tho enlargemont a nation, first, when it is forming it. Case go into a review of the whole of the mult to include all humanity. Rolf or new-forming itsell, secondly, question is excessive and impossile. Astep forwani has been takon in this when it is formed, organised and It is unough if we are generally direction by the wolf-immolation of powerful. The first is the stage convinced of the utility and neck* few ww humanitarian idols, but to when Nationalism makes rightly ity of sacrifice and for the indiri. warrifice their intents of the nation ita groatest demands on the individual call. It must be remembered to the large interest of humanity dual, in the necond it should abate that we cannot argue from the In an act of which humanity in the its demands and having satisfied
condition of people formeel, 4* in tut yet capable. God pre- should persevere itself in Cosinupo
true and prowering to that of * paren, but to do not hasten the litanism somewhat as the indivi.
pouple subject. struggling An ripening of the fruit before ita dual preserves itself in the family,
miscrablo. In the fint met the Muson. A time will come whon the family in the class, the clnsa in
individual is not called to frequent this wlms will be possible, but the the nation, Dos destroying iteolf
acts of self-sncrifice but nly to time not yet. Nor would it be neodlosely but recognising a larger
thos regularly denmudert ly the well for humanity if it came before interest. In tho struggles of a sub
nation and to a general readiness the other and lower identification joct nation to realise its suparato
for especial steritier in case of were comploto; for that would existence, the largor interest can only
necessity, but in the menud the necessitats retrogression in order to bo viewed in prospect spd as a high
necessity is a constant quantity. weer the top which has been ur inspiration to a broadminded
Nor is it a SUR principle to unnitted. The advance of humanity and generous patriotism. No sacri
demand in such cireumstances an is a samly prigrons in there is no fic of the nation to the larger
adequatu value for every gruat gain in rushing positive for interest is possible, for the nation
individual act of courage and selfahend, while important points in inust exist bufuru it can sacrificu its
denial. It would indeerd be the roar to uncapturot. . inturusts for a higher good.
singular for the individuals of Tho national go may only mean We are nt present in the first or nothing more www collective sulfish
subjeet rution askud for the price formative stage, and in this stage thu
of their liberty to say to the DOWN. I'mny bo rundy to norifice durand of Nationalis is imperativo.
Disponsor of Karm, "You shall money and case for the country in It is only by the sacrifice of the inorder to secure my woalth, fnme, or
give me so mucb in return for dividual, the family and the close to position and proporty which depond the supremu object of building up
every individual macrifice and ar upon her nocurity and greatno. I
must know your terms betinte the nation that under such adverse
hand. Wo will trust you to may bo rovdy to wwwrifice these and circumstances Nationalism aans
the extout f ugle pie worth mom for her bonuse of the nafoty curo thu first conditions for its exis
of result for. Yuffering." of the home and the hearth which
Not tence. Every act of the new Nation
such hur
by such is
wpirit foey ensuruh I may be ready alism has been call for suffering to sacrifico much for her bucause
have subjec t ions born deti and solf-sacrifde. Swaenhi was such bergrentnost, woulth, ekso mean la call, arbitration was such
call, the greates, woah, caso of my national education was such a call, community or my laas. Or I may above all, passive resistanco ww such be ready to sacrifice everything to call None of these things can be