gracãouis Botha
Mitig dia of Mr. hola mappartod atopWhat parang
banted to go to w in one place the
n Aom the word where our contemporThe sily distil the more
u nd eine wry think we should have weed the in the way is the constitutional
het Manounced werd het With all submission mined by s section of the Mode
o think our language was perfectagainst tho arbitrary notices of the
lg olear. We said His purpose and Committee of the Convention
regredion of the wathorwe ment His parprec, the purpose passing a constitution and forcing it to The Thobune oalla on Bengal of raising ap India. Then again we on the delegates without mbimisedom to give up the boycotton the ground were unfortonate enough to indulge to freely elected delegates witting in that it is no longer inntioned by in an ironical repetition of our oon* nedsion of the Congress itaell. The the Congrene" it choose to call temporary's phrase "mera" frith, withmedistor proposes to get round the body which even the whole of the in comma inverted and our contemobjection by the Bombay ooberie Moderate party were unable to join, porary with portontous seriousnees agreeing to pass the Constitution en The only comedy for the situation is insists on taking this is our own bloo through the Congrove provided for thone who desire, unity to rebuild withot and seriouly mount. Wo. an undertaking if given by the the National Assembly from the have pointed out that in our idea Nationalists that they will nocept bottom of the basis of provincial of faith it includes the logical anabodily the whole of the constitution unity and abstention from any muts- lysing reason, it includes experiand make no opposition to any of Isted body Moderate of Nationa- ence and exceeds it. It excoedu its provisions A very remarkable Hat Bowever august the name logical reason because it uses the proviso! The writer assumes that the
under which it, masks its an- higher intuitive foron; it exceeda Nationalista have soopted the Cons
representative chamoter, so long as experience because oxperience often titution bodily and are willing to
it professed to speak for the nation
to for the tion gives the balance of its support to sign the creed. ink he is in
and yet refuses to admit freely itaone conclusion where faith uning error in his M ons. The elected representative
intuition inclines to the opposite Nationalists are not lely to give any The Bearalel and Ourselves
conclusion. undertaking which will abrogate
The Bengalos has answered our God and lan. their consitutional right to make
Bicta and opinions with its facts Our contomporary does not undertheir own proposals about the con and commenta. Unfortunately wo stand why we wrote of God and stitution at the beginning or to sog
And in our contemporary's answer the universal force or why wo ingost amendmmonts to it hereafter.
all comment and no foot. For the misted on the spocial manifestation They will sign no crood, as it is
most part he is busy trying to of the divine force as opposed to against their principles to make the
prove that we were really inoon-its voiled working through huCungresa a sectional body and they
sistent and contradictory, or, if he man ogoiam. We did w bocaux refuse to bind themselves to regard
misunderstood us, it was due to we had to oppose the exous of that colonial self-government as the ulti
our uninstructed use of language. In very egoism. Wo have not risen mate goal of our national develop
the first place wo did not expressly to tho heights of Moniun, from ment. Whatever resolutions are
say that wo w God in every thing which he coffe benignly 46 passed by a properly constituted
and only pocially in special move our dualism. It may be the Congress they will accept as the
menta. Of course we did not final truth that there is nothing temporary opinion of the majority
As we pointed out we could not be but God, but for the purposes of while reserving the right, which all
always guarding ourselves against life we have to rocogniso that minorities reserve, of preaching their
gratuitous misconceptions, and there is a dualism in the underown convictions. They refuse to
the omnipresence of God is such lying unity. It profits nothing rogard the Madras Convention or
an obvious fact that it has not to to say, for instance, "The Divine the contemplated Lahore Conven
bo expressly stated. It is curi-Force wroto two columns of Fach tion as a sitting of the Congress or
ous that our contemporary's power- and Comments the other day in ita resolutions as the will of the coun
ful intellingenoe wema still unable to the Bengalec." God rovoala Himtry. The position taken, that the
grup the point about leadership. If self not only in tho individual Bombay coterie are in possession
the movement were the result of where He is veiled by ignoranon of the Congress and it is their to
human calculation or guided by hu- and egoisto, but in Himself. admit Nationalista or not at
man caloulation, or even if every When the Bengalus see no altertheir pleasure is one we cannot recog
constructive step were the result of t e.. to man's selfoonscious nito. If there is to be an united
mature deliberation, there would be o brcept unconscivus action, Congress it must rosume ite life st
no point in insisting that, the it is under the influmoo of thu the point where the Calcutta wion
movement was created and lod (we Europonn naterialism which 20 broko off. All that has happened in
beg pardon, we mean spookally ore only conscious creatures in all between is a time of interrognum.
ated and lod, ) by God and not by unconscious inanimate Natur the way Remedy.
hamay windom. We pointed out The Divine Foroo is not uncouThe attempt to unite the parthat none of the statements could nion but conscious and intelligunt tim on rooh line is fondoomed to be advanced in the fico. of the thote, and 0.30 Hón M O NIOUN twitt Nork it likely that open and our pootan pony he not been powers only in mon is to deny it the Nationaltea , antiroly able to get out opta; His altogethen "When again our oboch dating with yould be may be bus simply related her ton porwry ana misapplia timu