KARMATOLOV : this country have no remedy except tern of the police in skywe the government the terror the refusal of co-operation and quarters are so busy with appror from above be superior to the dyna even that has been done only sing fancied Swadeshit outrages that mites who terrorises from below 1 within the smallest limita possible. real outrage and dority go unpun. Wil nok this be the negation of Under such circumstances it is in ishod. We do not suppose that all law, justice and government : deod. a grotesque attitude for the Sir Edward Baker himself would Does it not mean the reign of larruler of Bengal to get up from his make such a demand, bat if he has less force and that worst constitueseat in the Council and not only any other co-operator in view it tion of all, Anarchy from above roquest 00-0pration but demand would be well if he would define it struggling with Anarchy from beit on pain of indiscriminate before he propods with his streau low ? The Government which denies penalties such as only an autocratic ous proposal to strike out right and the first principle of settled society, government can inflict on the left at the innocent and the guilty not only sanctions but introduces people under its control, and this without discrimination. On the Anarchy. It is thus that establish with the full understanding that other hand the Anglo-Indian papersed authority creates violent revor none of the grievances of the Are at no loss for the definite me- lutions. They abolish by perseou
people are to be redressed. The thod of cooperation which they de- tion all the forces, leaders, advocaten meaning of co-operation is not mand from the country on peril of of peaceful and rapid progrese and paarive obedience, it implies that "stern and relentless repression." by their own will set themselves the Government shall rule nccord. They demand that we shall cease face to face with an enemy who caning to the wishes of the people to practise or to preach patriotism not so be abolinbed. Terrorism and the people work in unison and patriotic solfacrifice and sub- thrives on administrative violence with the Government for the mit unconditionally to the eternally and injustice; that is the only atmaintenance of their common in- unalterable abeolation which is the mosphere in which it can thrive terests. By advancing the demand only system of government Lord and grow. It sometimes follow in the way ho has advanced it, Morley will tolerate in India. That the example of indiscriminate violSir Edward Baker has made demand has only to be mentionod once from above it sometimes. the position of his Government to be scouted.
though ver y , sete it from beworse and not better. Sir Edward's Monaco.
low. But power above which
follows the exaktople from What co-operation ?
below is The final indiscretion of Sir
on the way to committing suicide. The delusion under which the Edward Baker was also the worst
It has contented to the abrogation Government Inbours that the Terror. We do not think we have over
of the ono principle which is the ist activities have a grent organisa- heard before of an official in Sir
lifebreath of settled governmente. tion at their back, is the source of Edward's responsible position its most fatal mintakon. Everyono uttering such a menace as issued
The Personal result. who knows anything of this country from tho head of this province Şir Edward Baker came into office is awaro that this theory is a on an occasion and in place
with the reputation of a liberal fabrication. If it were a fact, the where his responsibility should ruler anxious to appease unrest. conspiracy would by this time have been specially remembered. Till now he has maintained it in havu boon exposed and destroyod. We havo heard of autocrats threat
spite of the ominous pronouncement
he made, when introducing measures instincon, exoupt the yet doubtful with oondiga punishment, but oven
of repression, about the insufficiency Maniktola conspiracy now under an autocrat of the fieroost and
of the weapons with which the judicial consideration, been the act moet absolute kind does not threat
Government was arming itself. But of isolated individuals, and even in en the poople with the pun
by his latest pronouncement, contrathe Maniktola instance, if wo socept ishment of the innooont. The thing
dicting as it does the first principles the fiuiling of the Sessions Court, it is done habitually-in Russia; it
not only of Lüberalism but of all has been shown by judicial investi- has been dono recently in Bengal;
wise Conservatism all over the world, gation thut the group of young but it is always on the supposition
he has gono far to justify those who mnen wm small and so soort in their that the man punished is guilty.
were doubtful of his genuine symuporations that only a few oven of Even in the deportations the
pathy with the people. Probably thoso who lived in their headquar- Government has been eager to im
he did not himself realize what tors know anything of the contem- pross the world with the idea that wound he was giving to his own platod terrorism. Under such cir- althought it is unable to face a
reputation and with it to his cumstances wo fail to see either any court of justice with the "inform
chanoes of carrying any portion of justification for so passionato a call ation, not evidonce" which is its for co-operation or any posibility sccuse, it had ample grounds for nealded proposal of an answer from the public. All ita belief in the guilt of the depor- A writer in the Indian World that the public can do is to expres toes, Sir Edward Baker is the first has been holding out the olive disapprobation of the methods ruler to declare with cynical open- branch to the advanoed Nationalist used by those isolated youths. Itness that if he is not gratified in his party and inviting them into the cannot turn itself into a hugu Crimi- domanda, he will not cars whether told of the body which now onda Dal Investigation Department to be strikes the innocent or the guilty. itself the Congres. The terms. ferret out the half down men hero By doing so he has dealt an almost of this desirable conciliation Man and thoro who possibly contemplate fatal blow at the prestige of the to w a little peculiar. The National swassination and leave ita other co- Government. If this novel principle ista are to give up all their contecupations and duties after the pat- of administration is applied, in what tions and in return the Bamboy